Agnistambhasana – Fire Log Pose

Agnistambhasana or the fire Log Pose is a great hip opener. In Sanskrit, Agni method fire, Stambha means statue, and Asana means Pose. Agnistambhasana is a smooth pose and can be used to improve...

Shambhavi Mudra – The Eyebrow Center Gazing Gesture

Shambhavi Mudra is an exceptionally apparent exercise in yogic and tantric texts. Shambhavi is an effective mudra used throughout meditation to nevertheless the mind and revel in better degrees of consciousness. Shambhavi mudra is...

Yoga Pose: Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Parsva Dhanurasana! The Bow Pose or Dhanurasana is called so because the frame attains the shape of a bow (Dhanura) while this pose is performed. Additionally known as the Urdhva Chakrasana or Upward Wheel Pose,...

5 Steps to Archer Pose

As you prepare for Archer Pose, learn to direct the arrow of awareness at yourself. One purpose of practicing asanas, arguably the maximum critical, is to discover a meditative direction in the direction of understanding...

Urdhva Vrksasana (Upward Tree Pose)

Upward Tree Pose (Urdhva Vrksasana) is an upward extreme stretch pose regularly stressed with the Mountain pose (Tadasana) and the Tree pose (Vrksasana), in spite of many postural variations. The differences are due to...

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Triangle pose (Trikonasana) a.k.a prolonged Triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana) is an excellent pose to reinforce the decreased body lengthening of stiff muscle tissues. A wonderful standing pose for easing stress and tension which you...

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