Supta Padangusthasana Iyengar
Level of Asana: – Basic
Style of Asana: – Iyengar Yoga
Preparatory Poses: – Baddha Konasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana
Follow-Up Poses: – Seated forward bends and Standing Poses
Also Known As: – Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose
Supta is a Sanskrit word that means Reclining, Pada stands for foot, Angustha represents the huge toe of the foot, and the meaning of Asana is the pose.
This pose offers you a deep stretch together with it opening up your legs. It’s far moreover said to beautify each of your preferred bodily and mental well-being. Many people land up honing this asana as extended without knowing the name of the pose; but, this posture has a ton to provide.
Steps & Benifits of Supta Padangusthasana Iyengar!
Steps of Supta Padangusthasana
Rests in your again together with your legs prolonged and flexed your toes. Now press your toes via your heels.
Breathe out and pull your proper knee towards your mid-section (chest), and circle a strap across the curve or ache of your right foot. On the off chance that you are a prepared yoga expert. Utilize fingers and snare them onto the enormous toe.
After that, Raise your right leg up to the roof or ceiling and preserve your leg instantly in a manner that your fingers are parallel to each other, and press your shoulders towards the floor.
Retain pushing and stretching your left leg, pushing the very best factor of your left thigh down with the left hand. The augmentation of the right leg must make an agreeable extension within the back of the leg.
You could maintain the posture right here or flip your right leg out, Preserving that leg down on your proper aspect. Yet, within the occasion on which you do this, You should assure your left hip is grounded on the floor.
Continue to be in the pose for approximately 30 to 60 seconds or as lots as you may.
Repeat the same system together with your left leg.
Benefits of Supta Padangusthasana
It stretches thighs, hips, hamstrings, calves, and groin.
Supta Padangusthasana Makes your knees stronger.
Stimulates the prostate gland.
Vitalize your digestive organs in conjunction with improving digestion.
Gives alleviation of backache, sciatica, and menstrual-associated discomfort.
Supta Padangusthasana healing procedures infertility, flat ft.
Tip Beginner’s
As an apprentice, you should attempt this pose with the heel of the leg pressed against a divider or a wall. In any case, if your body continues to be too firm. You could place a piece underneath the hip of the raised leg (the help below the thigh relaxes the inner crotch), and after that, while you bring your leg as an afterthought, you may lay it at the block.
Pose Variations
On the off chance that you may make use of your arms instead of a strap to preserve your ft and do the asana. It’s by far the propelled adaptation of this stance. This accompanies exquisite practice and balance.
Abstain from doing this asana at the off risk you have a migraine or the runs (diarrhea). at the off threat which you have a circulatory strain, boost your head and neck utilizing a collapsed blanket, and after that strive the pose.