A Candle For Your Zodiac Sign

Discover Gorgeous Gift Inspiration By Your Astrological Sign, With Celestial Candles From The Cosmos... Candles are a gorgeous gift idea at any time of year, but especially so at Christmas, when the nights are dark and...

1230 Angel Number Meaning

1230 Angel Number! Angel Number 1230 is a form of trial to take a look at. Angels come down for your heart to intimidate about the failings in your plans and ask you to...

Parivrtta Parighasana

Yoga Pose: (Parivrtta Parighasana), Place one knee on the mat and the hand to the out of doors of the ankle. Expand the alternative leg out then arch the backbone in a curve. Stretch...

Kandharasana (The Shoulder Pose)

Kandharasana: The phrase ‘Kandha’ comes from the Sanskrit word, which means shoulders, and that means Asana is a seat, pose, or posture. Whilst you perform this Asana, You have to maintain a few weights...

Supta Padangusthasana Iyengar

Supta Padangusthasana Iyengar Level of Asana: – Basic Style of Asana: – Iyengar Yoga Preparatory Poses: – Baddha Konasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana Follow-Up Poses: – Seated forward bends and Standing Poses Also Known As: – Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose Supta is...

Swastikasana Iyengar (The Auspicious Pose)

Sanskrit Name: -Swastikasana Iyengar English Name: – The Auspicious pose. Position: – Sitting Swastikasana is a Sanskrit phrase that is made up of mixtures of Su+Asti+ka, on this ‘Su’ manner precise the meaning ‘Asti’ is ‘lifestyles’ and...

Eka Hasta Bhujasana

Eka Hasta Bhujasana comes under the intermediate level means a medium degree. This call comes from Sanskrit, wherein Eka approaches one, single; Hasta stands for the hand; Bhuja represents the arm, hand, bending, and...

Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist or Seated Twist Asana)

The name of Bharadvajasana or Bharadvaja’s Twist is inspired by the Sage (Rishi) “Bharadvaja”; who turned into one of the seven Saptarshis and he was the father of Guru Drona. Rishi Bharadvaja also created...