Best 3 Person Yoga Poses: Beginner’s Guide To Acro Yoga

Have you been curious about acro yoga, but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll teach you the best 3 person yoga poses for acro yoga. These poses are perfect for beginner yogis and will help you learn the basics of this challenging form of yoga. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, check out our guide and get started on your journey to becoming a badass acro yogi!

What is Acro Yoga?

Acro Yoga is a form of yoga that incorporates movement and balance. The name comes from the Greek word “acros” which means high or elevated. Acro Yoga is intended for people who have some physical limitations, such as being unable to do traditional yoga poses or needing more support than what can be offered in seated classes. In Acro Yoga, the practitioner moves around a space using hammocks or balance props to achieve stability and control while performing poses. This type of yoga is often used as an introduction to more traditional types of yoga because it is less physically demanding than some other styles.

Key Acro Yoga Positions

The 3 key positions in acro yoga include:

Base: This is the starting point for all acro yoga poses. From here, you can either stay in one spot or move around a bit.

Flyer: This is the second key position. From here, you can move your body in all directions without losing your balance or stability.

Spotter: This is the last key position. From here, you provide support to your flyer while they continue to move around.

Benefits of 3 Person Yoga Poses

Some of the benefits of acro yoga include:

-Improved balance and stability

-Stronger core muscles

-Better coordination and movement

-More flexibility

-Faster and more fluid movement


One of the benefits of acro yoga is that it can help to create a sense of community and bonding. In acro yoga, practitioners are often required to work together as a team in order to maintain balance and stability. This type of interaction helps students develop trust, communication skills, and teamwork skills.


Another benefit of acro yoga is that it can help to improve communication skills. In order to move around the space safely, practitioners need to be able to communicate clearly with each other. This type of communication often involves using languages such as verbal cues and body language.

Strength Building

One of the benefits of acro yoga is that it can help to build strength independently. In some poses, you may need to use your own body weight in order to stay stable. This type of strength training is often valuable for athletes and individuals who want to maintain a healthy weight.

More Flexibility, Less Back Pain

One of the benefits of acro yoga is that it can help to reduce back pain. In many poses, you are required to move your spine in various directions and against gravity. This type of movement often stretches and strengthens muscles in your back.

Accountability and Social Connection

Another benefit of acro yoga is that it can help to create accountability and social connection. in many classes, students are required to stay still for a certain amount of time. This type of exercise can be challenging, but also motivating. Students who feel accountable to their classmates often report feeling more engaged in the class session.

Yoga Poses for Three People: Warm-up

Without proper preparation and practice, beginning yogis should not attempt acro yoga. In reality, it requires flying in the air and balancing on other people’s limbs. Acro yoga is dangerous if you aren’t prepared and grounded, and isn’t for the faint of heart.

It’s helpful, to begin with a simple yoga exercise that stretches everyone out and relaxes them all at once. The practice should ideally be led by a teacher or a group member, much as in a normal yoga class. Acro yoga necessitates a coordinated effort, as conventional yoga is all about connecting with your own body.

Back to Back Lotus

To begin this pose, lie down on your back with both legs in the air. Bring your left heel close to your right thigh and press it to the ground. Reach behind you with both hands and take hold of each ankle, gently pulling yourself up towards the sky. Stay here for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself back to the starting position.

If you find this pose too difficult at first, try practicing it from a seated or standing position instead.

Triple Forward Fold

This pose is also initiated from a seated position. Sit down with your legs extended in front of you, toes pointed forward, and hips off the ground. Fold your torso forward so that your chest touches the floor, then press through the heels to lift yourself up into a standing position.

Now fold both arms behind your back and extend them out to the side as you lower yourself back down to prepare for the next pose.

These poses strengthen our abdominal muscles and help us balance on one leg!

Easy Yoga Poses for Three People

So that everyone can stretch out and concentrate on their balance, standing postures is a fantastic next step in your warm-up routine. Before you move on to more advanced positions, you should create a strong foundation of trust. Each yogi can improve their flexibility while the group supports them throughout this warmup session.

Triple Warrior III

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Shift your weight onto the left leg, then lift the right knee up to hip height. Hold here for a few seconds before slowly lowering it back down to the ground, switching sides.

This pose strengthens our core muscles and improves balance!

3-Way Lord of the Dance (Natarajasana) Pose

Sit up with your legs extended in front of you and your arms at your sides. Place your hands on the floor behind you, then press through the heels to lift yourself into a standing position. Raise both arms overhead and extend them outwards as you lower yourself back down to prepare for the next pose.

This is one of the most challenging poses that require strength, flexibility, and balance!

Box Trio

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground. Cross your ankles, then press your hips upward so that you’re in a “V” position. Place your hands on either side of this elevated “V”, then press through the heels to lift yourself up into a standing position.

Extend one arm out to the side as you lower yourself back down to prepare for the next pose! This is an excellent exercise for strengthening our abdominal muscles!

3 Person Ballet Pose

Start by sitting in Warrior III, then lift your left leg up so that it’s parallel to the ground. Bend your right knee and bring your heel towards your butt, then press through the ankle and thigh to balance yourself. Hold here for a few seconds before shifting your weight onto the left foot and repeating on the other side.

This pose is an excellent way to build flexibility in our hips!

Challenging 3 Person Yoga Poses

Trio Plank Pose

Start in Downward Dog, then press your heels into the ground to raise your body up towards the sky. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in and in alignment with your spine, then extend one arm out to the side for balance. Hold here for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down to prepare for the next pose!

This is an excellent way to work on strength and balance!

Downward Dog Tower

Start in Downward Dog, then lift your leg up so that you’re in a “V” position. Extend your arm overhead and hold on to something for balance. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in and in alignment with your spine, then press through the heel of the lifted foot to rise up into a standing position.

This pose is an excellent way to work on strength, flexibility, and balance!

Trio Flying Mountain and Throne Pose

Start in Mountain pose, then lift one leg up so that it’s parallel to the ground. Bring your other heel up towards your butt, then press through the ankle and thigh to balance yourself. Extend your arm out to the side for balance. Hold here for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down to prepare for the next pose!

This is an excellent way to work on flexibility, strength, and balance!

Trust the Process!

There are no quick fixes when it comes to yoga; every pose requires patience and practice in order to achieve the desired results. Don’t be discouraged if you find yourself struggling at first – remember, progress is always possible! With regular dedication, your body will thank you for all the hard work – so strap in and get started!

ALSO READ: Parivrtta Parighasana

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